Archives and Manuscript Repository for the Continuing Presbyterian Church

Christianity Today

"A Presbyterian Journal Devoted to Stating, Defending
and Furthering the Gospel in the Modern World."
Samuel G. Craig, Editor
H. McAllister Griffiths, Managing Editor
Published monthly by
501 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila. Pa.

Organizational History: In May of 1930, the first issue of Christianity Today appeared, a publication seeking to serve as a voice for for conservatives with the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Its masthead declared its mission: "A Presbyterian journal devoted to stating, defending and furthering the Gospel in the modern world." The magazine was the first publication issued by the newly formed Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, founded by Samuel G. Craig. Later the company easily turned to the publication of books, with works by Loraine Boettner anchoring the growing list of publications.

From its inception, the magazine was issued monthly until the Spring of 1938, thereafter appearing three times a year. The final change in the magazine began with the Spring 1941 issue (Vol. 11, No. 3), when it was announced that the magazine would be discontinued as a periodical. The War had cut substantially into a strong base of foreign subscribers, and a bequest from Dr. Walter D. Buchanan had been largely exhausted. From that Spring 1941 issue, the magazine was published only on occasion, generally focusing on reports and critiques of the several Presbyterian General Assemblies each year. As it was issued only on occasion, the publisher discontinued volume and number designations. From October 1941 through November 1946, the magazine was published annually, and the final issue was published in May 1949.

H. McAllister Griffiths resigned his position as Managing Editor in August of 1935, leaving over presumed differences with the views of Samuel G. Craig concerning the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, with which Griffiths was heavily involved. By November of that same year, Griffiths had a new post as editor of the newly formed Presbyterian Guardian, as issued by the Presbyterian Constitutional Covenant Union in Philadelphia. The publication later became the denominational magazine for the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Griffiths served as editor of The Presbyterian Guardian, from November 1935 through September 1936, at which time he was appointed "ecclesiastical counsel" for the trial involving the name of the newly formed Presbyterian Church of America.
Links to Tables of Content per Issue :
Volume 9 (May 1938 - April 1939)
Volume 10 (May 1939 - April 1940)
Volume 11 (May 1940 - April 1941)
Issued sporadically thereafter, October 1941 - May 1949 :
October 1941 Interpretative Reports of the General Assemblies of the Northern and Southern Presbyterian Churches
What Shall We Preach? A Diagnosis of the Present Theological Situation, by L. Berkhof
The Triumph of Inclusivism in the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., by E. Edwin Paulson
The Presbyterian Tribune's Estimate of the Northern General Assembly
What is Christianity?
The Past and the Future of Christianity Today
October 1942 The 154th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
The 82nd General Assembly of the Southern Presbyterian Church
The Moral Basis for Revival, by Eric Edwin Paulson
Wherein is Totalitarianism Non-Christian?, by T.W. Isherwood
May 1943 Pre-General Assembly issue dealing with Dr. Coffin's candidacy for Moderator of General Assembly of the PCUSA
November 1943 The 155th General Assembly: An Interpretative Report
November 1944 "The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible": A Review, by O.T. Allis
November 1945 Review of The Christian Answer, by Dr. Henry P. Van Dusen
November 1946 The 158th General Assembly: An Interpretative Report
The Liberal Attack Upon the Supernatural Christ, by Dr. Wm. Childs Robinson
The Revised Standard Version of 1946: A Review, by Rev. O.T. Allis, Ph.D., D.D.
May 1949 This issue contained articles by O.T. Allis and Wm. Childs Robinson which were critical of the newly published Westminster Study Edition of the Holy Bible (Westminster Press)