A Magazine of the League of Evangelical Students.
Table of Contents, with links to each issue:
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Why the League, by Allan A. MacRae The League's Program, by N.B. Stonehouse The Grand Rapids Conference, by W.A.H. Zoerner A Contribution, by E. Van Deusen The Story of Ancient Sodom in the Light of Modern Science, by Melvin Grove Kyle |
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The Scriptural Methods of Bible Study, by O.T. Allis The Spirit of Error, by J.G. Vos Understanding the Word, by E. Van Deusen Summaries— —Christ and Experience, by Harold Paul Sloan —Virgin means Virgin, by Robert Dick Wilson Notes and Notices Books |
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Christianity and Progress, by F.D. Jenkins Convention Echoes— —Excavations at Kirjath Sepher, by M.G. Kyle —Christian Philosophy, by C. Bouma —Divinely Prescribed Method of Contending for the Faith, by L.S. Chafer —Report of St. Louis Convention, by W.L. Kennedy —Branches and Chapters, Honorary Members Books—Notices, by Editor: Paul Woolley |
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Modernist Theory of Religious Knowledge, by C.W. Hodge Revelation or Discovery, by Geo. Johnson Dr. Howard A. Kelly, (M.D.), on the Bible, by Howard A. Kelly Why I Believe the Old Testament, by R.D. Wilson Knowing the Truth, by E. Van Deusen Fifty-three Leading Religious Books, by Paul Woolley, editor |
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The Human Apologetic, by James M. Gray Christ's Resurrection—The Citadel of Christian Faith, by Albertus Pieters Old Testament Ethics, by E. Van Deusen More Human Apologetics—Examples of the Power of God's Word —(In Chicago), by A.H. Leaman —(In South America), by V.D. Roberts Books—Notice & Bibliography, by Paul Woolley, editor A Student's Prayer (anonymous) |
Volume II, Number 2 (January 1928) |
We currently lack Vol. II, No. 2 of The Evangelical Student. If you have access to this issue, please contact us. |
Volume II, Number 3 (April 1928) |
Vol. II, No. 3 of The Evangelical Student is also lacking in our collection. If you have access to this issue, please contact us. |
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Editorial, by Paul Woolley Is the Bible Right about Jesus?—I. What the Bible Teaches about Jesus, by J. Gresham Machen Intercession, by Henry W. Frost Our Student Opportunities Seen from Germany, by Charles J. Woodbridge News and Notes |
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Editorial, by Paul Woolley Being in Tune with God and the Universe, by Leander S. Keyser Is the Bible Right about Jesus?—II. The Witness of Paul, by J. Gresham Machen Our Testimony, by J. Oliver Buswell, Jr. Could Jesus Christ Sin?, by Albertus Pieters The Fourth Annual Convention News and Notes |
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Editorial, by Paul Woolley The Mistakes of Modernism, by A.Z. Conrad Is the Bible Right about Jesus?—III. The Witness of the Gospels, by J. Gresham Machen Whither Students?, by Winfield Burggraaff News and Notes |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Archaeology and the Bible, by Horace M. Du Bose The Revival of Evangelical Theology in the Netherlands, by Winfield Burggraaff Comparing the Incomparable, by Oswald T. Allis The Meaning of the Death of Christ, by E.H. Bancroft Missionary Symposium —Why I Became a Missionary, by H.V.S. Peeke —Why I Became a Missionary, by Albertus Pieters Fifth Annual Convention News and Notes |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones The Christ of the College, by W.H. Jellema Doing the Will of God, by Lewis Sperry Chafer The Missionary Challenge of the League, by William H. Hockman Is There a Conflict Between Science and Religion?, by L. Franklin Gruber The Word Made Flesh, by P.B. Fitzwater News and Notes |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Missionary Motives, by Henry W. Frost Modernism, Its Diagnosis and Antidote, by Harry Framer Smith The League and Evangelicalism, by George Johnson The Bible and Our Crucial Problems, by Leander S. Keyser A Challenge, by Dirk Mellema News and Notes |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Religious Education or Christian Education?, by Harold McA. Robinson Enrichment of the Spiritual Life, by H.A. Kelsey The Christian Student and the Natural Sciences, by William Van Peursem The Modern Missionary Message, by Floyd E. Hamilton The War-Perseverance of the Saints, by John B. Champion A Word of Greeting, by Robert K. Rudolph News and Notes A List of Evangelical Textbooks, by Leander S. Keyser Sixth Annual Convention Program |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Faith and The Faith, by Samuel G. Craig Keeping the Precious Deposit, by Harold Paul Sloan Just What Is Christianity?, by R.B. Kuiper The Challenge of Missions to Christian Youth, by Robert H. Glover The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, by James M. Gray By Way of Welcome, by Gordon H. Clark President's Message, by Dirk Mellema "Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do?," by W. Harllee Bordeaux Among the Chapters; Sixth Annual Convention; News and Notes; Chapter Directory |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Leadership, by Gordon H. Clark Wanted!—Those Who Will Obey, by Margaret W. Haines The Evangelical Student and the Apostle Paul, by John P. Clelland A Student Invests, by Maxwell D. Lathrop, Jr. What the League Has Meant to Me, by Calvin K. Cummings Kept by the Power of God, by Mary B. Hunt Book List, by William J. Jones Seventh Annual National Convention "Who Will Go?"—Missionary Openings Among the Chapters; News and Notes; Books Received |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Announcement, by editor Straight Thinking and Christian Belief, by Edward P. Drew Testimony of the Holy Land to the Truth of the New Testament Gospels, by W. Waldo Weller The Story of Creation, by Robert P. Fritsch "If the Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?," by Melvin G. Kyle Ethics and Theology, by Gordon H. Clark Books Received; Among the Chapters; News and Notes |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Announcement, by editor Science and the Bible, by Albertus Pieters Facing the Problem, by Cornelius Van Til Buchmanism: An Appraisal, by William J. Jones Report of the President, by Morris Faber The Students Note That—, by A.W.K.; and Hsu Among the Chapters News and Notes, by Margaret Hunt |
Volume VIII -Numbers 2 and 3 |
We currently lack the issue or issues covering Vol. VIII, Nos. 2 and 3. If you have access to this material, please contact us. |
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Editorial, by William J. Jones Compromising the Authority of the Bible, by R.B. Kuiper The Short Bible—Its Meaning and Menace, by Oswald T. Allis Can a Christian Student Rationally Reject Evolution in the Light of Modern Science?, by Floyd E. Hamilton The Gibraltar Fact of Christianity—The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, by Melvin A. Stuckey A Tour Among the Colleges, by Jack DeVries News of the League, by Calvin Cummings [new editor] A List of Evangelical Textbooks, by Leander S. Keyser |
Volume X, Number 2 (April 1935) |
We currently lack Vol. X, No. 2 of The Evangelical Student. If you have access to this issue, please contact us. |
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Editorial, by Calvin Knox Cummings God's Secrets, by Johanna Timmer Why I Believe the Gospel, by William W. Adams Two Religions, by John J. Boggs The Missionary Objective, by Charles J. Woodbridge Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by Wyngaarden, et al. News of the League; Evangelical Student Movements Abroad |
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Editorial, by Calvin Knox Cummings Light on the Higher Criticism from Ras Shamra, by Oswald T. Allis Christian Supernaturalism and Modern Thought, by Andrew K. Rule Visible—Temporal; Invisible—Eternal, Part I, by Robert W. Peach The Church's Status Today, by Edwin H. Rian Your Father Who Is in Heaven—A Scriptural Meditation, by John Murray Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by RLH; CKC; CVT News of the League |
Volume XI, Number 2 (April 1936) [Regrettably, the article by R.B. Kuiper is heavily annotated in our copy.] |
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Editorial: Apologetics and Evangelism; etc., by Calvin Knox Cummings A Precious Fragment of the Gospel According to John, J. Gresham Machen The Gospel of Christ Confronting a Recalcitrant World, by Henry Schultze Death Notice for Mr. Jacob DeVries An Indictment of the Social Gospel, by R.B. Kuiper Visible—Temporal; Invisible—Eternal, Part II, by Robert W. Peach The Modern Missionary Message, by Floyd E. Hamilton The Testimony of a Venerable Defender of the Faith, by Leander S. Keyser Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by C.K. Cummings, et al. Convention News |
Volume XI, Number 3 (October 1936) |
We currently lack Vol. XI, No. 3 of The Evangelical Student. If you have access to this issue, please contact us. |
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Editorials: Christian Love; etc., by Calvin Knox Cummings A Revolutionary Discovery or A Gigantic Hoax?, by Allan A. MacRae Some Recent Trends in Religious Thought, by Martin C. Lehman The Worship of Jesus, by Wm. Childs Robinson The Gospel of Christ Confronting a Recalcitrant World, Part II, by Henry Schultze A Spiritual Awakening in a Southern University, by William H. Wrighton The Source of Salvation—A Devotional Meditation, by John Murray Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by Weisiger; Harris News of the League |
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Editorials: Dr. J. Gresham Machen and the League of Evangelical Students, by Calvin Knox Cummings The Separateness of the Church, by J. Gresham Machen Evolution and Its Danger, by W. Bell Dawson Do Scientists Today Believe in God?, by Cornelius Van Til The Worship of Jesus, by William C. Robinson Risen with Christ—A Meditation, by John Murray Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by Jean Faurot News of the Twelfth Annual Convention |
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Editorials, by Arthur O. Olson The Search for Truth: Where Is It Leading?, by J.D. Eggleston Our Great Commission, by Harold S. Laird The Gospel We Are Appointed to Preach, by Lewis Sperry Chafer Leaguers for Christ, by William Young The Greatness of Christian Faith, by Leander S. Keyser "If God Be for Us"—A Meditation, by Calvin Knox Cummings Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by Schauffele; Olson News of the League |
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Editorials, by Arthur O. Olson Archaeology and the Old Testament, by Edward J. Young The Development of Spirituality in Seminary Students, by Louis Berkhof The Christian Doctrine of Regeneration, by Wick Broomall The Separated Life, by Alexander Davison A Personal Testimony by a Great Surgeon, by Howard A. Kelly, M.D. "No Condemnation"—A Meditation, by R. Laird Harris Current Evangelical Books—Reviewed by Heerema; A.O.O. News of the League |
Volume XIII, Number 2 (April 1938) |
We are currently lack Vol. XIII, No. 2 of The Evangelical Student. If you have access to this issue, please contact us. |
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From Our President's Pen, by Adrian DeYoung The Macedonian Cry of Modern Missions, by Charles J. Woodbridge Golden Opportunities In Foreign Missions, by J.G. Vos The Incarnation And Its Implications, by P.B. Fitzwater News Editorial |
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The Lordship of Christ and the Christian Life, by Everett F. Harrison A Fresh Approach to Student Witnessing, by Victor Bucci The Name of Our League Paul's Gospel, by Robert Strong "Why Was I Born?—Why Am I Living?, by Vernon Grounds The Inspiration of the Scriptures, by W.S. Reid |
Additional Publications of the League of Evangelical Students |
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Christian Truth Today. Chambersburg, PA: The Kerr Printing Co., undated, circa 1936-38. Contents: Introduction—The Basis of Christian Faith and Life—Rev. Calvin Knox Cummings Part I—Revelation—Rev. Robert Strong Part II—The Inspiration of Holy Scripture—Rev. Edward J. Young Part III—The Life of Christ—Studies in the Gospel of Luke—Rev. G. Horace Wood Part IV—The Gospel of Christ—Studies in Galatians—Rev. James E. Moore Part V—The Doctrine of God—Mr. Henry Stob, S.T.M. |
Christian Truth Today was the first volume of an intended three-year course of systematic Bible study for college students. To our knowledge, none of the other volumes were ever published. Volume 1 is undated, by as it was edited by the Rev. Calvin Knox Cummings, who served as Field Secretary of the League from October 1935 to April 1937 and as Cummings was also ordained 30 June 1936 at the First General Assembly of the OPC, it seems likely that volume one was published circa 1936-1938. | |||
Just what is Christianity?, by Rienk Bouke Kuiper. Wheaton, IL: League of Evangelical Students, 1931. 7 p.; 23 cm. This was an off-print of R.B. Kuiper's address before the Sixth Annual Convention of the League of Evangelical Students, a message delivered 13 February 1931 and originally published in vol. 5, no. 3 (April 1931) of The Evangelical Student. [The Historical Center does not presently hold a copy of this off-print] |
Author | Article | |
Adams, William W. | "Why I Believe the Gospel, 10.3 (Oct. 1935) 16 - 19. | |
Allis, Oswald T. | "Comparing the Incomparable, 4.2 (1930) 18 - 27. | |
------" | "Light on the Higher Criticism from Ras Shamra," 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 6-7. | |
------" | "The Law and the Prophets," 4.1 (Oct. 1929) 11 - 28. [First published as a pamphlet in 1925] | |
------" | "The Scriptural Method of Bible Study," 1.2 (Oct. 1926) 3 - 6. | |
------" | "The Short Bible - Its Meaning and Menace," 9/10.1 (Jan. 1935) 13 - 21. | |
Bancroft, E.H. | "The Meaning of the Death of Christ," 4.2 (Jan. 1930) 28 - 33. | |
Berkhof, Louis | "The Development of Spirituality in Seminary Students," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 10 - 14. | |
Boggs, John J. | "Two Religions," 10.3 (Oct. 1935) 20 - 25. | |
Bordeaux, W. Harllee | "Lord, What Wilt Thou Have Me To Do?," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 37 - 40. | |
Bouma, C. | "Christian Philosophy," 1.3 (Jan. 1927) 9 - 12. | |
Broomall, Wick | "The Christian Doctrine of Regeneration," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 15 - 19. | |
Bucci, Victor | "A Fresh Approach to Student Witnessing," 14.1 (Jan. 1939) 5 - 7. | |
Buker, R.B. | "Missions Viewed by a First-Termer," 6.1 (Apr. 1931) 17 - 19. | |
Burggraaff, Winfield | "The Revival of Evangelical Theology in the Netherlands," 4.2 (Jan. 1930) 6 - 17. | |
"Whither Students?," 3.3 (Apr. 1929) 21 - 26. | ||
Buswell, J. Oliver, Jr. | "Our Testimony," 3.2 (Jan. 1929) 16 - 22. | |
Chafer, Lewis Sperry | "Doing the Will of God," 4.3 (Apr. 1930) 10 - 12. | |
------" | "The Divinely Prescribed Method of Contending for the Faith," 1.3 (Jan. 1927) 12 - 14. | |
------" | "The Gospel We Are Appointed to Preach," 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 19 - 21. | |
------" | "Paul the Soul-Winner's Pattern," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 19 - 20. | |
Chalmers, Thomas M. | "To the Jew First," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 15 - 18. | |
Champion, John B. | "The War-Perseverance of the Saints," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 21 - 23. | |
Clark, Gordon H. | "By Way of Welcome," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 33. [Address before Sixth Annual Conference] | |
------" | "Christian and Pagan Ethics," 4.1 (Oct. 1929) 29 - 32. | |
------" | "Ethics and Theology, 7.1/2 (Oct. 1932/Jan. 1933) 29 - 33. | |
------" | "Leadership," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 6 - 9. | |
Clelland, John P. | "The Evangelical Student and the Apostle Paul," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 15. | |
------" | "President's Report, 6.3 (Apr.1932) 38 - 41. | |
Conrad, A.Z. | "The Mistakes of Modernism," 3.3 (Apr. 1929) 5 - 10. | |
Craig, Samuel G. | "Faith and the Faith," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 4 - 10. | |
Cummings, Calvin Knox | " 'If God Be For Us'--A Meditation," 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 26 - 27. | |
------" | Review of The Certainties of the Gospel, by William Childs Robinson, 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 29 | |
------" | Review of The Christian Faith in the Modern World, by J. Gresham Machen, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 30 - 31. | |
------" | "What the League Has Meant to Me," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 17. | |
Davison, Alexander | "The Separated Life," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 20 - 24. | |
Dawson, W. Bell | "Evolution and Its Danger," 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 13 - 14. | |
DeVries, Jack | "A Tour Among the Colleges, 9/10.1 (Jan. 1935) 33 - 36. | |
Drew, Edward P. | "Straight Thinking and Christian Belief," 7.1/2 (Oct. 1932/Jan. 1933) 5 - | |
Du Bose, Horace M. | "Archaeology and the Bible, 4.2 (Jan. 1930) 3 - 5. | |
Eggleston, J.D. | "The Search for Truth: Where Is It Leading?," 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 5 - 14. | |
Faber, Morris | "Report of the President," 7.3/8.1 (Apr.-Oct. 1933) 44. | |
Faurot, Jean | Review of The Assurance of Faith, by Louis Berkhof, 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 32 - 33. | |
------" | Review of Christianity and Liberalism, by J. Gresham Machen, 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 31 - 32. | |
Fitzwater, P.B. | "The Incarnation and Its Implications," 13.3 (Oct. 1938) 11 - 15) | |
------" | "The World Made Flesh," 4.3 (Apr. 1930) 22 - 24. | |
Fritsch, Robert R. | "The Story of Creation," 7.1/2 (Oct. 1932/Jan. 1933) 13 - 16. | |
Frost, Henry W. | "Intercession," 3.1 (Oct. 1928) 12 - 15. | |
------" | "Missionary Motives," 5.1 (Oct. 1930) 5 - 12. | |
Glover, Robert H. | "The Challenge of Missions to Christian Youth," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 24 - 27. | |
Gray, James M. | "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 28 - 32. | |
Grounds, Vernon | "Why Was I Born? Why Am I Living?," 14.1 (Jan. 1939) 12 - 15. | |
Gruber, L. Franklin | "Is There a Conflict Between Science and Religion?," 4.3 (Apr. 1930) 16 - 21. | |
Haines, Margaret W. | "Wanted! Those Who Will Obey!," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 10 - 14. | |
Hamilton, Floyd E. | "Can a Christian Student Rationally Reject Evolution in the Light of Modern Science?" 9/10.1 (Jan. 1935) 22 - 28. | |
------" | "The Modern Missionary Message," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 17 - 20 [reprinted, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 24 - 27] | |
Harris, R. Laird | " 'No Condemnation' - A Mediatation," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 26 - 28. | |
------" | Review of The Basis of Evolutionary Faith, by Floyd E. Hamilton, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 31 - 32. | |
------" | Review of The New Geology, by George McReady Price, 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 28 | |
------" | Review of A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament, by Robert Dick Wilson, 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 31. | |
Harrison, Everett F. | "The Lordship of Christ and the Christian Life, 14.1 (Jan. 1939) 1 - 5. | |
Heerema, Edward | Review of Our Lord - An Affirmation of the Deity of Christ, by Wm. Childs Robinson, 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 29 - 30. | |
Hockman, William H. | "The Missionary Challenge of the League," 4.3 (Apr. 1930) 13 - 15. | |
Hodge, Caspar W. | "The Modernist Theory of Religious Knowledge," 1.4 (Apr. 1927) 2 - 5. | |
Hunt, Mary B. | "Kept by the Power of God," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 18 - 19. | |
Jellema, W.H. | "The Christ of the College," 4.3 (Apr. 1930) 6 - 9. | |
Jenkins, Finley Dubois | "Christianity and Progress," 1.3 (Jan. 1927) 2 - 7. | |
Johnson, George | "The League and Evangelism," 5.1 (Oct. 1930) 19 - 22. | |
------" | "Revelation or Discovery," 1.4 (Apr. 1927) 6 - 10. | |
Jones, William J. | "Buchmanism: An Appraisal," 7.3/8.1 (Apr.-Oct. 1933) 30 - 43. | |
Kelly, Howard A., M.D. | "A Personal Testimony by a Great Surgeon," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 24 -25. | |
------" | "Dr. Howard A. Kelly on the Bible," 1.4 (Apr. 1927) 10 - 11. [from notes by E. Van Deusen] | |
Kelsey, H.A. | "Enrichment of the Spiritual Life," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 5 - 9. | |
Keyser, Leander S. | "Being in Tune with God and the Universe," 3.2 (Jan. 1929) 4 - 6. | |
------" | "The Bible and Our Crucial Problems," 5.1 (Oct. 1930) 23 - 25. | |
------" | "The Greatness of Christian Faith," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 21 - 25 [reprinted 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 22 - 26.] | |
------" | "The Testimony of a Venerable Defender of the Faith," 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 28 - 29. | |
------" | Review of The Challenge of Kagawa to the Church and Nation, by R. A. Ofstedal, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 32. | |
Kuiper, R.B. | "Compromising the Authority of the Bible," 9/10.1 (Jan. 1935) 6 - 11. | |
------" | "An Indictment of the Social Gospel," 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 14 - 19. | |
------" | "Just What is Christianity?," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 16 - 23. | |
Kyle, Melvin Grove | "If the Foundations Be Destroyed, What Can the Righteous Do?," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 26 - 28 and 7.1/2 (Oct. 1932/Jan. 1933) 17 - 28. | |
------" | "The Story of Ancient Sodom in the Light of Modern Science," 1.1 (Apr. 1926) 10 - 12. | |
Laird, Harold S. | "Our Great Commission," 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 15 - 18. | |
Lathrop, Maxwell D., Jr. | "A Student Invests," 6.2 (Jan. 1932) 16. | |
Lehman, Martin C. | "Some Recent Trends in Religious Thought," 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 9 - 14. | |
Maccartney, Clarence E. | "The Doubter's Dialogue," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 29 - 37. | |
MacRae, Allan A. | "A Revolutionary Discovery or A Gigantic Hoax?," 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 5 - 8. | |
------" | "Why the League?," 1.1 (Apr. 1926) 3 - 4. | |
Machen, J. Gresham | "Facing the Facts Before God," 6.1 (Oct. 1931) 6 - 10. | |
------" | "Is the Bible Right About Jesus?: I. What the Bible Teaches About Jesus," 3.1 (Oct. 1928) 4 - 11. | |
------" | "Is the Bible Right About Jesus?: II. The Witness of Paul," 3.2 (Jan. 1929) 7 - 15. | |
------" | "Is the Bible Right About Jesus?: III. The Witness of the Gospels," 3.3 (Apr. 1929) 11 - 20. | |
------" | "A Precious Fragment of the Gospel According to John, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 6 -7. | |
------" | "The Separateness of the Church," 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 6 - 12. | |
Mellema, Dirk | "A Challenge," 5.1 (Oct. 1930) 26 - 27. | |
------" | "President's Message, 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 34 - 36. [Address before Sixth Annual Conference] | |
Murray, John | "Risen With Christ," 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 29 - 30. [Colossians 3:1-4] | |
------" | "The Source of Salvation--A Devotional Meditation," 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 28 - 29. | |
------" | "Your Father Who Is in Heaven--A Scriptural Meditation," 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 26-27, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 29 - 30 | |
Ockenga, Harold J. | "Address of Welcome," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 3 - 4. | |
Olson, Arthur O. | Review of What Is Faith?, by J. Gresham Machen, 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 29 - 30. | |
Peach, Robert W. | "Visible--Temporal; Invisible--Eternal," 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 15-20 and 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 19 - 24. | |
Peeke, H.V.S. | "Missionary Symposium: Why I Became A Missionary," 4.2 (Jan. 1930) 34. | |
Peursem, William Van | "The Christian Student and the Natural Sciences," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 10 - 16. | |
Philips, T. Roland | "How to Make a Success of the Ministry," 6.1 (Apr. 1931) 14 - 16. | |
Pieters, Albertus | "Could Jesus Christ Sin?," 3.2 (Jan. 1929) 23 - 24. | |
------" | "Science and the Bible, 7.3/8.1 (Apr.-Oct. 1933) 4 - 15. | |
------" | "Why I Became A Missionary," 4.2 (Jan. 1930) 35 - 38. | |
Reid, William Stanford | Review of The Inspiration of the Scriptures, by Loraine Boettner, 14.1 (Jan. 1939) 15 - 16. | |
Rian, Edwin H. | "The Church's Status Today," 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 20-25. | |
Robinson, Harold McA. | "Religious Education or Christian Education?," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 2 - 4. | |
Robinson, William C. | "The Self-Affirmation of Jesus," 4.1 (Oct. 1929) 5 - 10. | |
------" | "The Worship of Jesus," 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 15 - 22 and 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 22 - 28. | |
Rudolph, Robert K. | "A Word of Greeting," 5.2 (Jan. 1931) 24 - 25. | |
Rule, Andrew K. | "Christian Supernaturalism and Modern Thought, 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 7 - 14. | |
Schauffele, Carl G. | Review of Prayer, by O. Hallesby, 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 28 - 29. | |
Schultze, Henry | "The Gospel of Christ Confronting a Recalcitrant World, 11.2 (Apr. 1936) 8 - 13 and 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 23 - 27. | |
Scott, Charles Ernest | "The World Call to College Students," 6.3 (Apr. 1932) 5 - 14. | |
Sloan, Harold Paul | "Christ and Experience," 1.2 (Oct. 1926) 11 - 12. [from a talk given at Princeton Seminary] | |
------" | "Keeping the Precious Deposit," 5.3 (Apr. 1931) 11 - 15. | |
Smith, Harry Framer | "Modernism, Its Diagnosis and Antidote, 5.1 (Oct. 1930) 13 - 18. | |
Stonehouse, N.B. | "The League's Program," 1.1 (Apr. 1926) 4 -5. | |
Strong, Robert | "Paul's Gospel, 14.1 (Jan. 1939) 8 - 11. | |
Stuckey, Melvin A. | "The Gibraltar Fact of Christianity: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ," 9/10.1 (Jan. 1935) 29 - 33. | |
Timmer, Johanna | "God's Secrets," 10.3 (Oct. 1935) 7 - 16. | |
Van Deusen, E. | "A Contribution," 1.1 (Apr. 1926) 7 - 10. | |
------" | "Convention Echoes: Excavations at Kirjath Sepher," 1.3 (Jan. 1927) 8 - 9. | |
------" | "Knowing the Truth," 1.4 (Apr. 1927) 14 - 18. | |
------" | "Understanding the Word," 1.2 (Oct. 1926) 7 - 10. | |
Van Til, Cornelius | "Do Scientists Today Believe in God?," 12.2 (Apr. 1937) 15 - 21. | |
------" | "Facing the Problem," 7.3/8.1 (Apr.-Oct. 1933) 16 - 29. | |
------" | Review of Study Your Bible, by Edward J. Young, 11.1 (Jan. 1936) 29-30. | |
Vos, J.G. | "Golden Opportunities in Foreign Missions, 13.3 (Oct. 1938) 6 - 10. | |
------" | "The Spirit of Error," 1.2 (Oct. 1926) 6 - 7. | |
Weller, W. Waldo | "The Testimony of the Holy Land to the Truth of the New Testament Gospels, 7.1/2 (Oct. 1932/Jan. 1933) 10 - 12. | |
Wilson, Robert Dick | "Virgin Means Virgin," 1.2 (Oct. 1926) 12 - 13. [as summarized by E. Van Deusen] | |
------ | "Why I Believe the Old Testament," 1.4 (Apr. 1927) 11 - 14. [from notes by E. Van Deusen] | |
Woods, Henry M. | "The Apostle Paul's Call to Foreign Missions and Ours," 6.1 (Oct. 1931) 11 - 13. | |
Woodbridge, Charles J. | "Our Student Opportunities Seen from Germany," 3.1 (Oct. 1928) 16 - 22. | |
------" | "The Macedonian Cry of Modern Missions," 13.3 (Oct. 1938) 2 - 5. | |
------" | "The Missionary Objective," 10.3 (Oct. 1935) 25 - 27. | |
Wrighton, William H. | "A Spiritual Awakening in a Southern University," 12.1 (Jan. 1937) 27 - 28. [re: Univ. of GA] | |
Young, E.J. | "Archaeology and the Old Testament," 13.1 (Jan. 1938) 4 - 9. | |
Young, William | "Leaguers For Christ," [poem or song without musical notation provided], 12.3 (Oct. 1937) 21. | |
Zoerner, W.A.H. | "The Grand Rapids Conference," 1.1 (Apr. 1926) 5 - 7. | |
Other Publications of the League of Evangelical Students: | ||
Christian Truth Today: A Presentation and Defense of Historical Supernatural Christianity for College Students, Volume I, Edited by Rev. Calvin Knox Cummings and published circa 1937. Articles include:
The content of future planned volumes was noted
at the end of the above Volume 1: Volume II - The Works of God: Creation and
Providence. [we are looking for this volume]
Volume III - The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Application of Salvation. [we are looking for this volume]