Two New Collections : Check back soon for more news: |
Collection Indexes Posted: |
The Janet L. Sparkman Collection for Presbyterian Women |
Rev. William Buell Sprague : The Thomas E. Martin Collection |
L. Roy Taylor Manuscript Collection |
Women authors are the main focus of this collection, but there are also works by men where the subject is of special concern for women. |
William Buell Sprague [1795-1876] was a prominent Presbyterian pastor, serving for many years in Albany, New York. This is a collection recently donated by a retired judge in Pennsylvania. Search "Warfield" to view the works in this Collection. |
Dr. L. Roy Taylor served as Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America from 1998-2020. The finding aids(folder by folder indexes) for the Taylor Collection are now posted to our site. Click here to view. |
Electronic Records : Selected Readings. As the PCA takes up the concern voiced in 2023's Overture 20, we've begun to gather some selected readings to better educate our research on this matter. |
Helps for the 51st General Assembly: Overtures before the Assembly this year. Analysis of Overtures by: (1.) TE David Coffin (2.) RE Howie Dunahoe (3.) TE Fred Greco Additional helps, other aspects of GA, here. |
The Historical Center of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is a ministry of the PCA Stated Clerk’s Office, located in St. Louis, Missouri on the campus of Covenant Theological Seminary. Our mission is to preserve the records of the Presbyterian Church in America along with those of four predecessor denominations. The Center also holds the manuscript collections of over 150 people connected with those denominations, plus history materials for some 700 congregations. A modest research library, with focus on American Presbyterianism, augments the Center’s collections. |
Donate to the PCA Historical Center |