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Studies & Actions of the General Assembly of
The Presbyterian Church in America

[13th General Assembly (1985), 13-65, III, 5, p. 133.]


5. To adopt this personal resolution as follows:

Whereas, the Scripture calls us as the people of God to be holy as God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16), and condemns all sexual activity outside of marriage (Galatians 5:19), and

Whereas, the spread of pornographic literature and film is great throughout our land, with child pornography as the fastest growing, and

, the pornographic industry is an estimated eight billion dollar operation annually and a stronghold of organized crime, and

, social scientists have shown the connection between pornography and violent sexual crimes, and

Whereas, pornography exploits women and children and contributes to the breakdown of the family, and

Whereas, pornography is a result of growing secular humanism in our land, and

Whereas, pornography is an issue of the sanctity of human life along with the unborn and the elderly, and

Whereas, we as Christians must stand against the Evil One who is behind pornography (Ephesians 6:10-13),

Be it resolved the the Thirteenth General Assembly of the PCA:

1. Directs Christian Education and Publications (CE/P) to designate official representation to the Third National Consultation on Obscenity, Pornography and Indecency in Cincinnati in September, 1985.

2. Encourages CE/P to include the issue of pornography and its effects on our culture among its educational concerns.

3. Requests CE/P to include in their report to the Fourteenth General Assembly their actions on this issue over the preceding year.

4. Urges the members of the churches of our denomination to be involved in various efforts of fighting pornography in our land.


[cf. Minutes, 13-3, F., Personal Resolution #1, p. 69, for original draft of this resolution]