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Documents of Synod:
Studies of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Synod
(1965 to 1982)


[157th General Synod Minutes, 25 May 1979, pp. 67-68, from Report on Christian Higher Education in Kenya; and reproduced in Documents of Synod, p. 389.]

       In coming to the United States, 8000 miles from my home in Kenya, my view of the world has been enlarged.  It would be difficult for anyone to leave one’s country and go to live where the language and cultural customs are unfamiliar.  It has not been easy for me.  Yet my four years at Covenant College have been rewarding.  I have learned many things and grown in many areas of my life.  I have been trained in history, Bible and education.  I have received practical experience in teaching in an American culture.  I have seen how another type of people live, and it has made me more of a full person to praise God with.  Thank you all, especially those who supported me in various ways through prayer, material gifts and even a smile.  These meant a lot to me.

       (I would like to share this poem that I wrote and which I read during my graduation.  It is a good summary of my experience here in the U.S.)

In America I have been given important tools;
A biblical foundation and critical thinking.
At the college I have studied the history of the western world.
Much has been given.

In America I have seen great material wealth:
Many people whose bellies are full with good food,
Many things to buy, many ways to be comfortable,
And many churches.
Much has been given.

In America I found that not far from where good things are,
Suffering and oppression exists,
I found a different side of America in the inner-city,
I found racism and bitterness
And many churches.
Much has been given.

In America, at Covenant College, my belly is full,
I hear a voice calling,
Stoop down the castle, the world needs change.
There are things to be done.
Am I comfortable or am I ready to move?
Much has been given.

In America I have seen great power.
Power to help or power to oppress my people.
In the Covenant community, where do we stand?
Will we be a light in a dark world?
Will we stand against the sins of Imperialism and Racism?
Will we strive in both words and deeds to spread the gospel to all people?
Much has been given, much has been given.

In America I have many beautiful friends.
My friends, we must not sleep,
We must bring justice, mercy and kindness
To our communities and to the world,
A little pinch of salt is all God asks.
Much has been given, yes, much has been given.

       My prayer is to be a little pinch of salt in Kenya in the ministry of the young people, and women writing Christian literature from an African perspective, hence promoting the African culture which has been looked down upon in the past, to transform it in the light of Scriptures and not western culture.  I need your prayers for wisdom.  On June 13, 1979, I will leave for Kenya, looking forward to being with my parents and work with the Rev. and Mrs. F. Sanders Campbell.  Thank You.