Archives and Manuscript Repository for the Continuing Presbyterian Church

PCA Digest

Pictured above is the cover of the most recent issue of the PCA Digest, covering the years 1999-2018. Brief tables of content are shown on the right for each of the four volumes.

PCA DIGEST, Vol. 1, 1973-1993
Directions for Use
Table of Contents
Part I - Assembly Actions
Part II - Interpretations of Constitution
• Part III - Judicial Cases [see GA Minutes]
Part IV - Bylaws, Manuals & Guidelines

PCA DIGEST, Vol. 2, 1973-1993
• Preface & Table of Contents
• Studies & Reports [
access in listings below]

PCA DIGEST, Vol. 3, 1994-1998
Directions for Use
Part I - Assembly Actions
Part II - Interpretation of Constitution
• Part III - Judicial Cases [see GA Minutes]
Part IV - Bylaws, Manuals & Guidelines
Part V - Studies & Reports
Comprehensive Index

PCA DIGEST, Vol. 4, 1999-2018 [complete PDF]
Preface, by Dr. L. Roy Taylor
Introduction & User Guide
Part I - Actions of the General Assembly
Part II - Constitutional Advice (CBC)
Part III - Judicial Cases (SJC)
Part IV - Study Committee Reports

PCA Studies & Reports, 1973 - 2021 :

Please note:
  "It needs to be pointed out that when quoting the PCA Digest, caution should be exercised as to whether the quoted section was merely received or if it was adopted as the action of General Assembly. Even when adopted, these papers and decisions reflect the pious advice of that particular General Assembly and have no constitutional force unless changes were adopted in the Book of Church Order or other standards of the Church."—Paul Gilchrist, Preface to Volume 1 of the PCA Digest, p. 3.
  See also the PCA's Book of Church Order, chapter 14, paragraph 7, which states:
      "Actions of the General Assembly pursuant to the provision of BCO 14-6 such as deliverances, resolutions, overtures, and judicial decisions are to be given due and serious consideration by the Church and its lower courts when deliberating matters related to such action. Judicial decisions shall be binding and conclusive on the parties who are directly involved in the matter being adjudicated, and may be appealed to in subsequent similar cases as to any principle which may have been decided. See�BCO 3-5 and 3-6, and WCF 31.3.)"

Most recent additions :
Human Sexuality Report (2021) [text]; and [video]
(2) Report of the Ad Interim Committee on Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault (2022)

The Table of Contents
(drawn largely from Part V of Volumes 2 and 3 of The PCA Digest)

Re-Affirmation to Biblical fidelity and the "Message to All Churches" [1993]

Abortion [1978]
AIDS Task Force Report [M17GA (1989), 17-25, p.62]
Alcohol, Beverage Use of, [M8GA (1980), 8-69, III, p. 98]
Archives Position Paper
Child Protection [Overture 6, as amended and adopted by the 42d General Assembly]
Creation :
  Interim Report [M27GA (1999), 27-26, pp. 96-97.]
  Report of the Study Committee [M28GA (2000), p. 119-212.]
Freemasonry :
  1987 & 1988 Reports of the Ad-Interim Committee to Study Freemasonry
  Topical Summary of Document Sources
Fund Raising Policy [M4GA (1976), 4-74, # 5, p. 80.]
Higher Education : includes Part I, The Church's Role in Higher Education; Part II, Christian Education and Federal Aid; Part III, Covenant College's Philosophy of Education.
Human Sexuality Report (2021)
Insider Movement
  2012 Ad Interim Committee Report (Part 1)
  2014 Ad Interim Committee Report (Part 2) - includes analysis of 2013 and 2014 Minority Reports, plus both the 2013 & the 2014 Minority Reports as Attachments. Please note that the 42nd PCA General Assembly only adopted the three Committee recommendations, found on page 2112.
Interchurch Relations :
  • Resolution on Interchurch Relations (1973). — [HTML]
  • Policy Statement (1974). — [HTML]
  • Miscellaneous Addenda (1975, 1976, 1985, 1990). — [HTML]
  Conceptual Framework for Mission/Church Relations (1984). — [HTML]
  • Report on Defining the Nature of Relations with Other Churches. — [HTML]
Judicial Procedures, Ad Interim Committee Report:
  "Principles of Judicial Process Derived from the Old Testament Scriptures," by Dr. Paul R. Gilchrist
  • "Principles of Judicial Process from a New Testament Perspective," by Dr. Paul B. Fowler. — [HTML]
  • "Church Discipline in Light of the Evidence of the New Testament," by Dr. T. David Gordon. — [HTML]
  • "Shepherds as Judges: The Judicial Responsibilities of Elders in the PCA," by Dr. T. David Gordon. — [HTML]
  • "The Use of Commissions in the Presbyterian Churches in the United States of America," by Pastor Leroy H. Ferguson, III. — [HTML]]
  • "Select and Annotated Bibliography on Ecclesiastical Judicial Procedures: Doctrines and Practices of the American Presbyterian Church," by Pastor David F. Coffin, Jr.[HTML]
  Procedural Checklist for PCA BCO Rules of Discipline [2015 revision]
Medical Insurance, Ad Interim Committee Report on Options for
Mission and Purpose of the PCA. — [HTML]
Number of Offices in the Church :
  • Report of the Number of Offices in the Church [M7GA, 7-23, pp. 77-85 ] — [HTML]
  • Appendix A: Two Offices (Elders/Bishops, and Deacons) and Two Orders of Elders (Preaching/Teaching Elders, and Ruling Elders): A New Testament Study, by Dr. George W. Knight, III.[HTML]
  • Appendix B: Ministers of the Word, by Donald A. Dunkerley (1977). — [HTML]
  • Appendix C: Biblical Study on "Ordination," by Don Clements (1977). — [HTML]
  • Appendix D: Empowered to Serve, by Robert H. Kirksey (1977). — [HTML]
PCA Structure
  Personal Resolution [M13GA (1985), 13-65, III, 5, p. 133.]
  Dr. C. Everett Koop's Address before the 14th General Assembly (1986)
Psalmody :
  • Report on "Psalm Singing" [M21GA (1993), Appendix D, Attachment 1, pp.]
Racial Relations :
  • Racial Reconciliation [M30GA (2002), 30-53, III, Items 14-16, pp. 262-270.]
  • MNA Pastoral Letter on Racism [adopted by the 32d GA (2004)]
  • A Pastoral Letter on Racism and the Gospel (2016)
  • Racial and Ethnic Reconciliation Report (2018)
Textbook Censorship, Resolution on [M15GA, (1987), 15-91, III, C, 4, p. 188.]
Women in the Military, Report of the Ad Interim Study Committee (AISCOWIM):
  • Majority & Minority Reports (2001)
  • Final Recommendations; Communications 1, 2 & 6
Women Serving in the Ministry of the Church, Ad Interim Report (2017)