historian for your church, you have one of the most exciting opportunities
available to anyone in your congregation, for you have been asked to tell
the story of what God has done and is doing in your congregation. The
Psalmist has said, Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied
by all who delight in them, and this well describes your task. Study the works that God has accomplished among His people, delight in
them, and tell the story!
A church historian should be appointed by the church Session (board of elders).
For the sake of continuity in record keeping and writing, the historians
term of office should be based on the calendar year.
church historian, you should maintain close contact with the pastor, elders,
deacons and other leaders of the congregation to insure that a complete
and accurate record is kept of all significant church activities. Regular
contact should also be maintained with the staff of the PCA Historical
Center, since the Center is to receive one copy of the churchs history.
key to success in writing a comprehensive church history is to record
events as they happen. An ideal way to accomplish that is by recording
information about events as they occur in a notebook. You may want to
subdivide the notebook into sections labeled Session, Deacons, Sunday
School, Youth, WIC, Special Events, etc. With a limited amount of editing,
this collected material can become the basis of the annual church history.
You may find it beneficial to have church leaders submit regular monthly
or quarterly activity reports to you. These reports can be used later
to compile the history.
Section One: Statistics
first several pages of your history should contain statistical information
on your church. List the full names of all ministers, board members (elders,
deacons, trustees, etc.). Officers of the WIC and mens groups,
teachers (Sunday School and Vacation Bible School), and the names of any
other individuals who have a major role in the life of the church.
birth of children of members of the congregation should be reported.
In listing this information, give the childs full name, the date
and place of birth, the full name of the father and the complete maiden
name of the childs mother.
should also be reported. For baptisms, give the dates and the full name
of those who were baptized during the period covered by the history.
For infant baptism, report the names of both parents, and for adults
indicate adult.
the names of new members of the congregation, giving their full names
and the date they were received. If the individual(s) transferred from
another church, indicate the church from which they transferred.
the names of individuals dismissed or dropped from the congregational
roll, showing the date and reason of the removal. For transferees, indicate
the church to which they transferred.
on marriages should also be presented. In this listing indicate date
and place of marriage, names of the bride and groom, as well as the names
of their parents, whether living or dead.
report deaths within the congregation, giving the full name of the deceased,
the date of death and age at the time of death.
Section Two: Narrative
narrative section is the story-telling portion of your church history.
You may want to sub-divide the history into separate sections, with each
one describing a major activity or event of the church, such as Sunday
School, Youth, Session, etc. The history for each section should be written
in a chronological order. The majority of the narrative will be based
on your notes and collected bulletins, newsletters and reports. The narrative
portion of the church history should flow smoothly from paragraph to paragraph
and section to section. As you write, try to reflect, in a warm, personal
way, the humorous and serious events that have transpired over the past
twelve months. The important thing, above all else, is to focus on
telling the story of how God has been at work in your congregation. How has He shown Himself faithful? How has He answered prayer? How has
He provided and how has His grace been evident? With guidance from your
Session, difficulties in the life of the congregation can also be related
tactfully, for these are often some the very occasions when Gods
grace and power are most manifest, despite our sin.
Section Three: Pictorial
can be an important part of your history. If you decide to submit photographs,
be sure to include pictures of the pastor and his family, church officers,
special speakers, new members, buildings, and special events held throughout
the year. Histories submitted to the Historical Center should have photographs
mounted on sheets of acid-free paper. Slits should be cut in the acid-free
paper to act as corners to hold the photographs. Photo mounting templates
are available from the PCA Historical Center. Photographs should not
be glued or taped to the acid-free paper. Each photograph should be labeled,
beneath or beside the picture, with the identity of the individual(s)
or activities shown.
new technologies now available, you may choose to scan and print your
photographs directly onto the paper. This is acceptable, but you should
be aware that some inks will bleed when exposed to moisture. Test a sample
printout before proceeding.
length of the history should be directly related to the amount of activity
taking place in your congregation. If you have several programs, committees
or activities, it will naturally take more space to report the progress
of these organizations than if you have only a few. Simply use as many
pages as necessary to tell your story. What we desire is quality in the content of your story. Always bear in mind that you are writing
more for future generations than for your own contemporaries. Try to
imagine what future readers may want to know about your churchthings
which you may otherwise take for granted today, but something which people
100 years from now will appreciate having explained to them. You, as
historian, are uniquely privileged, because your ministry to the church
will span many generations.
church historian serves the church under the authority of the Session.
Because the annual history is an official document of the church, it should
be approved by the session before being sent to the Historical Center.
The church history should be signed by both the historian and the Clerk
of Session.
The original copy of your church history should be typed on acid-free
paper. The original may then be photocopied onto regular or acid-free
paper to provide additional copies for local use. The original history
on acid-free paper, together with any photographic attachments, should
be mailed to the Historical Center.
paper is specially manufactured to last three to four times longer than
regular bond paper. It can be special ordered, but most bond quality paper manufactured today is acid-free.
normal circumstances, your history should be completed by the end of March.
The original, signed copy of your church history should not be bound or
mounted in a notebook. It should not be stapled or three-hole punched.
Simply place the history between two pieces of firm cardboard in a large
manila envelope and mail it the PCA Historical Center. You will receive
a postcard or letter acknowledging our receipt of your history.
There are many potential uses
for a well-written church history. Here are a few ideas:
• Hold an annual
dinner at which portions of the history are read, photographs displayed
and testimonies shared on the Lords blessing over the past year.
[This can also be an excellent time to invite neighbors and friends, for
a good church history also has an evangelistic aspect to it, as a witness
to the reality of our Lord and the work that He has done in and through
His people.]
• A new pastor, reading past histories, can receive helpful
insights into the development of your congregation. An appreciation of
past events gives special sensitivity to present needs.
• Elders, deacons, and other church leaders may benefit from
having a succinct overview of church activities. Officer training may
particularly benefit from an available history.
• New members may likewise benefit from having the history
of the church available to them. Some churches reproduce portions of
their history on the back of the Sunday service bulletin from time to
time, to great effect.
• A summary of
the church's history can be occasionally printed on the back of the Sunday
bulletin. You might also consider printing short accounts from the history
of the church. Properly prepared in advance, these accounts might even
be offered to the pastor to select from, to coordinate with a select sermon.
• Don't forget:
A reference copy of your church history should be kept in your church
library for the benefit of church members, for curriculum planning and
for writing future histories.
PCA Historical Center also has many uses for your history:
• The location of the Historical Center, on the campus of
Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, makes your history
readily accessible to students in pastoral training who may be considering
service in your church as an intern or pastor. A good history, with supplemental
materials, will make your churchs reference collection a valuable
resource for future pastors.
• Students, faculty
members, pastors, church members and historians will have a rich source
of materials from which to research and write the history of our denomination.
• Genealogists
and family historians, the largest group using archives in the United
States, locate some of their most valuable information in church historical
• Church histories
provide a vast array of statistical data that can be used for studies
of our denomination.
and Newsletters
copy of each Sunday bulletin and church newsletter should be set aside
for transfer to the Historical Center, in one bundle, at the end of each
of the high acidic content of newspapers, the actual clippings of church
related articles should not be included with the church history. The
article should be photocopied, typed or scanned onto acid-free paper.
Be sure to include the name of the paper, the city of origin, the date
of the article, and the page(s) on which it occurred.
Brochures and Publications
copy each of membership directories, fliers, inserts, locally developed
teaching materials and other publications should also be sent to the Historical
Center. We are attempting to create as complete a collection as possible
of the life of your congregation.
and Bylaws
of your official constitution and bylaws are an excellent way of depicting
the distinctives of your local congregation.
and Session Minutes
a precaution against natural disaster, it is a good idea to have a copy
of your official minutes stored separately from other church records.
In more than one instance, churches have lost valuable records because
they were stored in the home of an officer who later died or moved away.
For these reasons, it is particularly advisable to deposit older church
records in the climate-controlled safety of the Historical Center, while
retaining a reference copy in your church files. The originals will then
be properly preserved for you, while remaining available whenever needed.
Please contact the Historical Center prior to sending old valuable records
to us.
records on deposit with the PCA Historical Center are available for viewing
only by Session members of that church, or others holding written authorization
from the Session.
you desire to write short biographical sketches of church members who
have died during the past year, these should be typed on acid-free paper
and included as a supplement to the materials you mail to the Historical
Historian's Checklist:
following checklist may help you as you prepare to write your church history.
Additional checklists can be found in the Historians Toolkit, a folder of checklists, hints and other materials available from the
PCA Historical Center.
• Church Historian
appointed by Session
• Church history
data gathered
• Statistical
section written
• Narrative section
• Photographs
mounted and labeled
• History
typed or printed on acid-free paper.
• History approved
by Session and signed by the Clerk of Session
• Copies made
of history
• Original copy
of church history mailed to the PCA Historical Center
items to submit to the Historical Center:
• Bulletins and
• Church directory.
• Session Minutes
• Congregational
Minutes and Reports
• Special Events
• Additional items
to consider submitting.
• Architectural
blueprints, particularly if the building is substantial or architecturally
• Photographs
of former pastors.
• Sample sermons of former pastors. These should be typed
or printed, rather than audio format.
• Correspondence
files and other papers of the pastor.
• Books and other published materials authored by your pastor or a member of the
• Oral history interviews with older members of the congregation.
These should preferably be transcribed and printed from the audio tape
original format. The PCA Historical Center has a brochure with guidelines
for conducting oral history interviews.
• A copy
of the church's baptismal record for the year, as well as a record of
new members received and members deceased..
gathered church history materials should be sent to:
Historical Center
478 Covenant Lane
St. Louis, MO 63141
Questions may also be directed to the staff at the above address
or by phone at (314) 469-9077
or by email at [email protected] |